WiFi Access
Which network should I use?
Campus is a secure wireless network connection for students, faculty, and staff. The Campus wireless network should be preferred by Butte College faculty, staff, and students who will be using the wireless on a regular basis, since the encrypted network eliminates concerns about wireless eavesdropping, and since on most clients you will reconnect automatically rather than having to re-enter your credentials for each wireless session. Connection to this will require a Butte e-mail address and password.
Butte_Guest is an insecure connection for guests who have a legitimate need for wireless connectivity while on campus. The Butte_Guest network should be preferred for short-term use only. No login required, you will have to accept terms of use before gaining access.
Need help Connecting to Campus Wi-fi? Select your device below.
Use the following to connect to CAMPUS wifi.
- Click on the wireless configuration icon at the bottom right of your screen.
- Look for and select the network named "CAMPUS".
- When prompted, enter your Butte College email address and password.
Use the following to connect to CAMPUS wifi.
- Click on the wireless configuration icon at the top right of your screen.
- look for and select the network named "CAMPUS".
- When prompted, enter your Butte College email address and password.
Use the following selections to connect to CAMPUS wifi.
- EAP Method set to PEAP
- Phase 2 authentication set to MSCHAPV2
- CA certificate set to Trust on First Use -or- Do not validate
- Identity as your Butte College email.
- Password will be your current Butte password.
Use the following selections to connect to CAMPUS wifi.
- Connect to CAMPUS network.
- Username: Enter your Butte College email.
- Password: Will be your current Butte password.
Use the following selections to connect to CAMPUS wifi.
- EAP Method set to PEAP
- Phase 2 authentication set to MSCHAPV2
- Server CA certificate set to Do not check
- Identity as your Butte College email.
- Password will be your current Butte password.
Fall and Spring Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - Noon
Summer Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Student Contact:
ITS - Room 103
3536 Butte Campus Drive, Oroville, CA 95965